Makers and Breakers

Makers and Breakers
Summer Day Camp in Wells
for students entering grades 6, 7 & 8

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At Shores Church we believe we are made in the image of a creator God which facilitates our passion for building and making. Our God is also a God of relationships, and in Wells, nothing builds relationships like hanging at the beach. Makers and Breakers is open to students of any faith or no faith but the experience will acknowledge Shores Church belief that knowing Jesus makes life better.


2024 Camp - Basic Robotics

Control of a single board computer; electronics and programming

The camp will accept up to 12 "Makers". They will be mentored by two high school age "Maker Mentors" who will support learning and fun. The camp will be supervised and instructed by Bob Carter a retired science teacher.


2 Weeks - Weekdays JUL 22 - AUG 2
8:45am - 3:00pm
Schedule :
9:00 - 12:00 Maker Time
12:00 Lunch
12:45 - 3:00 Breakers (beach and recreation)
Full Tuition Cost - $400

includes robotics kit and snacks, Makers provide bag lunch, boogie board (if desired) and laptop. Windows 10 refurbished computer available on Amazon for ~$175. Macbook ok. Chromebook not recommended.

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